Three Kitty Konstruction

Discovering the Regulations


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Three Kitty Konstruction
Point Arena, CA


Hi there. Blackie is back! Blackie Image  (For more about Blackie, click on her picture.)

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So, ah, how do you determine where a house goes when you have 20 acres, much of which is so dense with rhodendron, huckleberry and Manzanita that only the deer and the rabbits have seen it? This is where the regulators of Mendocino County and the California Coastal Commission came in handy.
In order for the original 60 acre property to be sub-divided for 3 lots, several studies had to be done, wells drilled (for water - there isn't any municipal water service within about 10 miles) and septic system percolation tests done for those shiny, white and wet bowls that people use as litter boxes. (What I said about the municipal water - ditto for a municipal sewer system.)
The studies that were done included a botanical survey (to look for endangered plants), a soil survey (don't ask me why - maybe to find good places for litter box activities), an archeological survey (to look for American Indian artifacts). The botanical survey found that the lot was a mature, second growth plant community intermingled with grassy openings. It is good to know that the forest areas won't change much. For the soil survey, samples were taken at various places on our lot and the adjacent lots. It is difficult to interpret the findings. The archeological survey found no artifacts.

Jack was very glad that he spent 30 years helping develop the Internet. Both Mendocino County and the California Coastal Commission have a lot of information about their activities, regulations and development codes available "on line". Mendocino County Planning Department is at: The California Coastal Commission is at: These websites are set up to answer a number of questions quickly and efficiently.

Please join me for further stories through the actual construction. Bye for now.

If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at  

Point Arena Construction Exploring the Land Discovering the Regulations Building a Home
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Jan's Travel-Rama Yoda's TalesThree Kitty Konstruction
Three Kitty KreationsThree Kitty KommunityThree Kitty KompanyThree Kitty KuisineJan's Personal Note

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