Jan's Travel-Rama
Point Arena, CA
Hi there -
Jack and Jan here. If you arrived here by way of our Home
Page, you know that the Three Kitty Kompany is a mythical holding company with
subsidiaries: Three Kitty Kreations, Three Kitty Kuisine, Three Kitty Rail, Three Kitty Photo, Three Kitty Komputing, Three Kitty
Konstruction and Jan's Travel-Rama. All are imaginary companies
assigned to our various retirement activities. If you want more information
about the Three Kitty Kompany, please click here.
If you want to go to the Kompany Home
Page, please click here.
We don't always share all our adventures with the feline members of the Three Kitty Kompany Board of Directors. Yoda would get ideas for new mischief and Blackie would have "been there, done that". So, you are stuck with us as narrators for Jan's Travel-Rama.
Jack likes to say that when we get off an airplane and 398 people go to the right, we go to the left. This page is a compilation of our photos, our "adventures" and the "funny things" that have happened to us on our vacations. We will offer both stories and photos. Please click your choice of adventure below.
We will add to this page as our adventures continue. Please check back periodically.
If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at 3kitty.org.
Home | Three Kitty Photo |
Jan's Travel-Rama | Yoda's Tales | Three Kitty Konstruction |
Three Kitty Kreations | Three Kitty Kommunity | Three Kitty Kompany | Three Kitty Kuisine | Jan's Personal Note |
v.2.1 design by Three Kitty Komputing, Point Arena, CA