Hi there. Blackie here again. (For more
about Blackie, click on her picture.)
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So, let's talk now about how Jack and Jan explored the land they had just purchased. Jack and Jan spent many hours wandering through their 20 acres. Jack, with his new Global Positioning System receiver (GPS) in hand, wandered around, took readings from the satellites overhead, and downloaded the information to his computer. From there, he made maps of the property and its location relative to just about every landmark he could find. (If you click on any map, you can see an enlarged view.)
Because the land had been logged (in other words, most of the trees had been cut down), about 50 years ago, there were old dirt roads throughout the property. One road actually led to a potential house site and could be used (with some improvements) as a driveway.
While Jack was doing his high-tech thing,
Jan wandered through the 20 acres carrying a library of reference books and
making notes of the wildflowers and wildlife she found. (To see a list of wildflowers Jan thinks she
has identified, please click here.) She is still having trouble
identifying some of the birds that hide in the huckleberry bushes and make only
the briefest appearance while clicking madly. (Obviously Jan isn't a feline. We
kitties identify birds by their taste - yum.)
The soil on most of the lot is very sandy, porous and well-drained. This is very different from the heavy, clay soil in La Honda.
The meadow promises to be wetter in the winter than the other parts of the property. Here the grass and other plants are lusher and stayed greener longer in the summer. But because the meadow is more open than the forest areas, there is a constant breeze, most times off the ocean. In the meadow, you can clearly hear the California Sea Lions barking and the waves breaking on the beach at Island Cove. (Did I mention that Island Cove is a private beach that Jack and Jan get to use? I guess not. There is so much to tell and so little time.) Island Cove is, for people, a marine wonderland of tidepools, rocks, sand, kelp and Harbor Seals (The seals are noisy; they remind me of dogs.)
Although not actually part of the land, the above pictures were taken at Island Cove Beach. Jan has privately told me that having a beach so close will probably make her 5 years younger.
Please join me for further stories through Jack and Jan's discovery of the regulatory process and then on to the actual building. See you later.
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