Hi there. I'm back (For more about
Blackie, click on her picture.) again, and again, and again.
Three Kitty Konstruction was formed late in April, 2000 when Jack and Jan travelled to Gualala, CA - a small town on the Pacific coast of southern Mendocino County. Gualala is about 160 miles north of La Honda, where the Three Kitty Kompany was born. En route, they encountered a Bald Eagle roosting in a tree (Yoda would have been afraid. I, however, am afraid of nothing.), a beautiful sunset, some spectacular coastal scenery and some very scary sea cliffs. (Even I have my limits of courage, though.) While in Gualala, they met with a wonderful realtor who spent two days showing them homes, land with house sites and even some unimproved real estate that Davy Crockett would have loved.
Among the properties Jack and Jan saw was a 20 acre parcel located between Walker Gulch and Hearn Gulch. It is on a county road named Iversen Road. Since maintaining a private or shared road wasn't in the business plan for the Three Kitty Kompany, a location on a county road was perfect.
About 10 acres of the property is a "rhodendron forest". There Jan and Jack found rhodendron plants (R. macrophyllum) that were in full bloom, with pink, orange and white flowers everywhere.
Under the rhodendrons, are high-bush and low-bush huckleberry plants that, in late summer, produced more berries than Jan and Jack have ever seen. There are also several varieties of Manzanita, Salal, Labrador Tea, Chinquapin and Coast Live Oak. About 5 acres of the property are a mixed forest of Bishop Pine and Coast Redwood.
A meadow at the bottom of the property makes up the last 5 acres. Upon seeing the meadow, Jan fell in love. So they bought the property.
Now the real work began, investigating the land itself, investigating the regulations of Mendocino County and the California Coastal Commission. (Did I mention that the property is only a mile from the ocean?), clearing the trees and brush and designing and building the house, the gardens, the barn and the garage.
From here, I'm going to take a little break. You can join me while I talk about the land, the regulatory process and the actual construction. Hope to see you there.
If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at 3kitty.org.
Point Arena Construction | Exploring the Land | Discovering the Regulations | Building a Home |
Website v.2.1 design by Three Kitty Komputing, Point Arena,