Three Kitty Konstruction
Point Arena, CA
September, 2000
This was the month of the Great Land Clearing - actually it was only 3 days and only enough land was cleared for a surveyor to do a topographical survey and for Dan to get an idea of where there might be a view of the ocean.
A great event occurred one day when Jack and Jan returned from lunch and mentioned to the manager of the land clearing crew that they weren't sure they could see the ocean on the horizon. In the Fall, the horizon is often hazy so they couldn't be sure they weren't seeing clouds. The crew chief said that that might be so but he and his crew had watched a ship sail by while Jack and Jan were out at lunch. SUCCESS!
This was the month that Jack and Jan discovered the delights and the potential perils of huckleberries. The berries (so they said) were the size of small marbles (Yoda likes to play with marbles. They roll and make a lot of noise.) and there were handfuls of berries on every branch. I, personally, don't care for them but Jan and Jack did discover evidence (scat and pawprints) that show that a black bear loves the berries. Jack and Jan are looking forward to seeing her. (There were both big and small pawprints - mother and cub.)
January, 2001
The architect has set up a system to Email plans to Jack and to his draftsman. The system seems to be working well. The CAD drawings were getting changed and Jack could show Jan 3-dimensional views of the house from various viewpoints both inside and outside. Jan at this point spent a lot of time with little paper cut-outs of her furniture trying to make it fit into the new house. Some windows and doors were moved to help this process. But it is better to do it on paper than after building began. Yoda loves walking on the desk and table while Jan was working. She privately told me that she is planning an insurrection if Mom and Dad don't pay more attention to her. She is, after all, a member of the "me generation".
May, 2001
The meadow is full of Douglas Iris. The rhododendron are pink and white and pink all over. The Labrador Tea plants are blooming as are a variety of flowers in the meadow.
The house plans are almost done. The landscape plans are being drawn. The contractor has walked around the site with us and marked with spray paint locations for various trenches, electric meter, propane and water tanks etc. Mom and Dad anticipate the initial grading for the foundation and the driveway as well as the trenching for the underground utilities and water lines to be underway as I'm typing this.
One of Mom and Dad's biggest steps came this month as they received notice from the County that one of their first permits was approved. So, on we go ......................
October, 2001
Here we are, in the beginning of November. People are starting to ask why this saga (soon to be an epic), hasn't been updated recently. Simply put, there hasn't been any progress worth reporting.![]()
We still await our building permit.
One of the things that was accomplished was the delivery and siting of "Fred" and "Ethel", our short, squat, green water tanks (about 5,000 gallons each). Also, their friend, the pump house, was constructed - our first permanent structure on the property !!
We also were asked by PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric - the electric company who is in bankruptcy) to investigate all the power poles along the road and find the nearest transformer and nearest neighbor who has power. Yeah, right. Dad photographed power poles and recorded their identification numbers for about a half mile and only found one other house in that area. The architect sent all the information to PG&E. We applied for electric power in March and in August we had gotten to number 42 on their list. We anticipate power about the time we move in.
Stay tuned.
January, 2002
There was progress in December. Mendocino County approved our building permit and Mom and Dad now have 6 months to actually pick up the permit and another 6 months to start construction. Also, Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) called to confirm that our application for electricity has moved on to the next office.
March, 2002
On Friday, March 1, 2002, construction began on the new Corporate Headquarters for the Three Kitty Korporation and all its subsidiaries.
Please check our "Building Phase" and "Finishing Up" pages for continued coverage of our adventure.If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at
![]() Planning Phase: July, 2000 - Feb., 2002 | ![]() Building Phase: Mar., 2002 - July, 2003 | ![]() Finishing Up: July, 2003 - October, 2003 |
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