Three Kitty Konstruction

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Three Kitty Konstruction
Point Arena, CA

Our Point Arena, CA Home

Hi there. I'm Blackie. Blackie Image    (For more about Blackie, click on her picture.)   Since Yoda is busy right now with other parts of the website, and because Frosty and Wookie have travelled to the Heavyside Layer to await the Jellicle Ball, I'm here to tell you all about our Point Arena corporate headquarters.  Below are the photos.  Click on any thumbnail to get a larger photo.  Also, please feel free to follow the link at the end to the epic saga of its construction.

snow in CaliforniaWe don't get snow too often.  It is more like ice pellets than actual flakes but the effect is real.Snow in CaliforniaThe snow covers the ground but melts in a few hours.  It can, however, damage the garden plants.Point Arena gardensEven with the snow, come spring the gardens burst into bloom.
Point Arena gardensOur house sits on the very tip of a marine terrace about a mile from the ocean.Point Arena gardensAlthough this is the flattest property we have ever had, it still slopes some.Solar arrayTo save energy and to decrease our impact on the earth, we generate some of our own electricity.
Bridge over drawTo get to the solar array, a bridge spans a low area.Bridge over drawThe bridge has a gate to keep the deer out of our roomThe interior of the house is light and bright.
stairwellWe have an aquarium at the bottom of the stairs.libraryThe library is in an 8-sided room upstairs.view from upstairsFrom upstairs, we have a view of the gardens and the barn.
barnyard gardenThe garden between the barn and the house has French lilac bushes.Point Arena gardensAs the seasons progress, the flowers change.front doorThe sidewalk to the front door meanders through a garden.
Point Arena gardensSages and daisies flower in large mounds.Point Arena gardensIrises and lupine stand above the foliage in May,home construction sagaClick on the bulldozer to jump to the story of building our Point Arena home,  "Journey's End Ranch"

If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at    

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Jan's Travel-Rama Yoda's TalesThree Kitty Konstruction
Three Kitty KreationsThree Kitty KommunityThree Kitty KompanyThree Kitty KuisineJan's Personal Note

Website v.2.1 design by Three Kitty Komputing, Point Arena, CA  Three Kitty Komputing Logo