Jan's Travel-Rama

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Jan's Travel-Rama
Point Arena, CA

More Africa 1999 Photos

For anyone who just cannot gt enough safari photos, we are pleased to offer yet another page of thumbnail photos that are linked to enlargements.  We hope you enjoy them.

Mount Meru Resort
Heron Mount Meru Resort is the home to many water birds such as heron and flamingo.
FlamingoTarangire National ParkVervet monkeys
Tarangire National Park is known for its elephant herds that include many babies. Elephant baby
Lake Manyara National Park Vervet monkeys We watched as the Vervet Monkeys had a dispute over something.
Ngorongoro Conservation AreaFog creeping over the crater rimThe fog creeps over the rim of the Ngorongoro Crater.  By mid-morning, it is retreating over the Crater wall until it disappears before noon.
fog creeping over crater rim Flamingo Flocks of flamingo are often seen in the Crater's lakes.
Zebra at the water hole Zebra and wildebeest drink nervously. Lion pride
This pride of lions has 4 adult males.  As
we left the Crater, two of them roared a challenge to their neighbors.
Lion cubs
Serengeti National ParkWarthogEn route to the Serengeti, we saw a
warthog grazing.  We also came across a leopard in a tree.
LeopardMasai KopjeWe stopped one morning to view the cave paintings at the Masai Kopje.  En route from the kopje, we came across a secretary bird.
HartebeestSecretary birdIn another area of trees, we saw a mother and infant vervet monkeyVervet monkey
TopiThe oils on the hide of the Topi make it appear to be highly colored.  Topi are often called "antelope in blue jeans".Elephant herd
Elephants bravely defend their young.  
After encircling the babies, the dominant female comes to the front to lead the charge.
Elephant herdDikdik
The dikdik, at about 18 inches tall,  is the world's smallest antelope while the eland is the largest.  An eland can be 6 feet tall at the shoulder.elandCheetah
A hyena stole a kill from a cheetah.  
Several other hyenas followed quickly to the kill, each carrying off part of the prize.


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