Jan's Travel-Rama

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Jan's Travel-Rama
Point Arena, CA

Life in Camp 1999 Photo Gallery

These are the photos taken in our various campsites on our camping safari in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Life in camp Campfire in the Serengeti Inside our tent
Preparing to leave camp Lunch in "the bush"


If you want to comment on our Website, please feel free to contact Wookie at 3kitty.org.  

Three Kitty Photo

Jan's Travel-Rama Yoda's TalesThree Kitty Konstruction
Three Kitty KreationsThree Kitty KommunityThree Kitty KompanyKuisineJan's Personal Note

Website v2.1 design by Three Kitty Komputing, Point Arena, CA  Three Kitty Komputing Logo