Three Kitty Photo


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Three Kitty Photo
Point Arena, CA

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Jack & Jan's African "Critter" Photos

These are the photos taken at Mt. Meru Game Reserve near Arusha, Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Black Headed Heron Peacock Male Ostrich
Greater Flamingo Flamingo Close-up Saddle-billed Stork

These are the photos taken in Tarangire National Park in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Go-away bird Elephant Defassa waterbuck
Male lion Dikdik Elephant
Elephant family Giraffe Mongoose
Roller Elephant Dwarf mongoose

Baboons Dikdik Vervet monkeys
Yellow-billed stork Leopard cubs Lilac-beasted roller
Giraffe Impala harem Leopard cub
Elephant Vervet monkeys Ground hornbill

These are the photos taken in Lake Manyara National Park in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Bushbuck Osprey Lion
Cattle egret Close-up of lion Hamerkop

Elephants mating Giraffe Baboon
Vervet monkeys Baboon infant

These are the photos taken at Gibbs Farm in the Ngorongoro Highlands in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Weaver bird Weaver bird Locust

These are the photos taken in Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Black-bellied bustard Hippopotamus Black rhinoceros
Vervet monkeys Fog Pelican
Jackal Crowned cranes Egyptian Geese
Crowned plover Eland Wildebeest
Lion cub Lion cubs Cape buffalo
Lions playingMarabou storkServal cat
WildebeestVervet monkeyHartebeest
ZebraWildebeestCrowned crane
Elephant endSacred ibisHyena

Lion resting next to our truck Crowned cranes Zebra herds
Baboon Buffalo Black-winged stilt
Buffalo Crowned cranes Zebra
Baboon family Vulture Heron
Wildebeest calfWildebeestZebra foal


These are the photos taken in Serengeti National Park in Tanzania.  Click on any photo to get information and see an enlargement.

Lion in tree Mother and calf topi Cheetah family
Giraffe mother and calf Cheetah family Thompson's gazelle
Elephant dispute Lion Dikdik dispute
Elephant at a water hole Superb starling Spotted hyena
African Hoopoe Baboon Cape buffalo
Lion prideCheetahCharging elephant
MongooseMale leopardHyrax famiy

Cheetah Zebra herd Black rhinoceros
Vervet monkey Lion Lions prowling
Owl Impala Unexpected breakfast guest
Zebra herds Unexpected breakfast guest Unexpected picnic guest
Cheetah Newborn gazelle Hippopotamus
GiraffeUnexpected picnic guestUnexpected picnic guest
Maribou storkElephant herdLion
LionDustdevil over water holeCheetah


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