Part 8, Oct. 18, 2008

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The plan is set and the troops are (almost) ready.  (We still need to trim the paw-weaponry of Princess Yoda and Commander Blackie.)  The troops will move to their bunkers in the R&R center and the Santa Rosa FOT on Monday morning.  (Now I know how Gen. Eisenhower felt in the days before D-Day.)

THE SURGE will begin on Tuesday.  There is a large cache of equipment and supplies being assembled including house stuff, an i-Pod, a comfort quilt, a travel pillow and a "Heaven Wrap" Inkle-woven scarf.  These last items are to provide comfort to the troops while THE SURGE is being waged within their ranks. Future supplies will include a beanie-copter hat to provide a "cover-up" of the full extent of the casualty statistics.

There will probably be an Email communications black-out during this part of THE SURGE as the FOT isn't quite fully "wired" yet.  (The internet connection isn't in the apartment yet.)

Jan and Jack hope to return to Three Kitty Headquarters on Sat./Sun. of next week.  Princess Yoda and Commander Blackie will return shortly thereafter.

Until next time, your Three Kitty Kombatants, Commander Blackie, Princess Yoda, Company Clerk, Chauffeur, Cook and Bottlewasher Jack, and

J -

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