Part 11, Dec. 4, 2008


Hi there -

Mom and Dad came back from Santa Rosa yesterday with a new schedule.  Mom will be home, here in Point Arena for an extra week before she disappears for what they think will be 5-6 weeks.  SOOOOOO,

Mom is now scheduled to move to her apartment in Santa Rosa on December 15 and her radiation treatments will start on Tuesday, Dec. 16.

There promises to be some strange scheduling around the holidays so Mom isn't sure when she will be moving back to Point Arena.  She might not have that information until after Dec. 16.  (Like that makes Mom happy - NOT.)

Mom is busy getting stuff done that she has to do before she moves  (stuff Dad can't do).  She is also trying to get stuff queued up to give her something to do while she's in Santa Rosa (like weaving, working on a revision of the Three Kitty Website etc.)

Did I mention that Commander Blackie will be moving with Mom?  (I finally get the house to myself !)  So Mom needs to get Commander Blackie's things ready to move as well.  There is her bed, her other bed and her third bed.  There are her perch, her toys, her bowls, her litter box and her "personal disaster pack".  (Mom doesn't have one for herself but there is one for Commander Blackie.)  Let's not forget her blankets and her travel boxes.  (Yes, she travels with 2 boxes.  She has been known to poop in her box while in the car so a second, clean box is always ready.)

Mom says that Commander Blackie will have more luggage than Mom.

Dad will go with Mom for a few days to get Mom settled and to make sure that Mom will be able to manage the radiation treatments by herself.   (No one has any clue what will happen if Dad has to stay through the 5 weeks.)  I get to go to Bed and Bone to play cards and generally be pampered while Dad is with Mom.  I almost won a house on the ocean the last time I was there.  The dog I was playing with (named Stanley) was clueless but I gave him a break.

I guess that is just about all for now.  I have to get back to my nap.

Princess Yoda,

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